fluctuating geometries in コレクション statistical me

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ulfgato asiles houchessessio lxii2 august 9 september 1994geometries fluctuates mecaique statistiqueet e theorie des champsfluctuatig geometriesi statistical mechaicsad field theoryf . david p gisparger zi-jus idiea1990elsevieramsterdam lausae ew york oxford一つ蔵書印あり、書き込みなし、未使用、中身ほぼ新品説明This sessio of the Les Houches Summer School was orgaized with two pricipal purposes. Firstly to itroduce a commo laguage ad culture to a mixed audiece, composed of field theorists, strig theorists, codesed matter physicists ad statistical mechaicias. Secodly, to expose youg researchers to the recet advaces i various areas of theoretical physics, where the cocepts of exteded objects, geometry ad fluctuatios are curretly playig a importat role. Courses icluded a itroductio to the problem of radom paths i disordered media; theoretical ad umerical approaches to quatize geometries, from radom paths to surfaces/#deeb洋書#deeb値段が高い商品

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